
New Layout and Some Changes!
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Author:  Mechacode [ Wed Nov 27, 2013 5:51 am ]
Post subject:  New Layout and Some Changes!

Hey guys, I changed things up a little bit, did a little rearranging to spark some interest. It's the first "big" change we've had in a looong time. Let me know what you guys think. I'm gonna run the poll for 30 days so everyone has time to chime in their thoughts. If the majority hates it, I'll change it back.

I've also enabled Sig pics. It's about time we moved into the future, I can't think of anyone here that is still stuck with dialup. Current limits are 300x200pixels, which is small but we may go bigger if everyone wants to. You can also finally use smilies in your sigs, not sure why that was disabled. No links though, put any link you have in your profile. Don't be a dick about it though, on topic pics in sigs only and keep it safe for work.

New members are relegated to the Introduction forum until a set amount of posts are made, the number is pretty small. This will help with new people as well as spambots.

Enjoy guys. :partyman:

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