
First home, Excited!!
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Author:  king_of_the_street [ Tue Sep 25, 2012 1:51 am ]
Post subject:  First home, Excited!!

Wow, so as much it may sound crapy of me, I am glad the house market went to shit. For anyone out there looking for a home, this is the time. So many homes foreclosed by me for cheap. Well me and my wife been looking for couple yrs. I deployed, Was still looking when I had the time. Now that im back in the states im glad the prices on homes are still down. We put offers on 3 houses, and each one something happen. First one, we got out bid for it. Second for some reason the home owner decided not to sell. The last one I just found out today, the owners bank decided to lower there mortgage so they would stay in the house. So you guessed it the 4th home is the charm! lol... Its a freddie mac, so we have been told we close on the first week of Nov. Were excited!! First home, and its got potential! Best of all, its got a big driveway and HUGE detached garage!! fit at least 3 cars in it.. Yep, I claimed that already, my wifes not into working into cars so it works out great. But I cant wait to have my own garage. Be nice to have everything organized, tools etc. couch, tv inside lol. Only thing, she hates that I can spend hours just messing around on a car. Then comes the fun part of fixing up the house and getting a third dog, this time I get to pick the dog. Iv always wanted a german shepard or husky.

Author:  twokss [ Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First home, Excited!!

Cool man congrats. Post up some pics when you can grab some. (Of the garage too).

It's definitely exciting. I've been in my first home since June. The bills do sucks once they start rolling in.

Author:  king_of_the_street [ Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First home, Excited!!

Yea ill grab pics when I can, have to go inspect it this week sometime. Yes bills do suck, but the house we picked up for 78k compared to over 200k in 03 when it sold. With minimal 3 % downpayment mortgage with insurance,taxes etc is 615 month. Like to put about 10k and hope for lower payment. But that payment alone is cheaper than a apartment by me, besides the utilities. Just excited for the garage, funny thing is the realator told us he sold the home to the guy who lost it. The original person bought it because he did mechanic work and bought it for the garage.

Author:  89Mirageman [ Tue Sep 25, 2012 9:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First home, Excited!!

Congrats! We have been in our little house for about 4 years now. I will tell you that repairs always cost more than you think even if you do the work yourself. Things at Lowes add up fast for sure. It's worth it in the end though. Still no garage here but I'm working on it.

Author:  CaptainTonus [ Tue Sep 25, 2012 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First home, Excited!!

$78k?!! Man, I should never have moved away from Chi-Town... :cry:

Author:  king_of_the_street [ Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First home, Excited!!

ha, were actually like 35-40 min out from chicago, I like having a garage and city life you dont really get that. Unless its suburb chicago, but i wanted avoid cook county taxes :axe: Thank god wife has perfect credit( i messed mine up when I was younger, Im working on it 715 finally woohoo) So house is just in her name for now, untill I refinance to a VA loan. We were looking for short sales, fannie may homes. Way below house prices before housing crash 05-06. Funny thing is now people notice there homes that they bought for 200k-300k are now selling for more than half that. So people are short sale there homes and having family buy it for half of what they bought it for. So they look into that now, I think thats what the second guy was trying to pull but oh well.

Yea I pretty sure home repairs will add up, outside seems good. Inside new drywall, paint, flooring. old fuse box replace to breaker box. Glad to know people in trades. But I guess its true a home is one the better investments you can make in life. If we sold when economy got good even for 160k we made 80 plus pay bank back.

Another thing like my friend said (kotscolt) soon you get your house, you kinda drag on working on your car. Hope thats not the case

Author:  king_of_the_street [ Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First home, Excited!!

Hey im sure you have lot foreclosed homes in cali, I see the commercials trying get people move back there lol ... Besides you have the nice weather there! I been trying get my wife to move there the longest. I was suppose to move out there in 04 to San Jose. Thought it was beautiful! Was there in winter in a tee, Ill take that anyday. But then again you have emissions, smog test, have to have those legal plates for turbo? forget names. Good thing about illinois is 95 and older no emissions no more :rock:

Author:  CaptainTonus [ Tue Sep 25, 2012 1:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First home, Excited!!

Yeah, I grew up in Arlington Heights. I just say Chi-Town because it's easier, haha. There are tons of foreclosed homes out here too, but they're minimum $200k, and for that money you get a serious shithole that needs a ton of work. There are plenty of drawbacks to living out here, but the weather is pretty hard to beat...

Author:  king_of_the_street [ Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First home, Excited!!

yea well see how it goes. Yea saying chi town makes it easier, almost sounds like a state. Hey were you from? Chicago lol use to get crap about that when was deployed. but Today for second time went to go put our earnest money down. Waiting on the seller to sign then see loan officer again and close by first week Nov. Hopefully live there while doing the repairs. One room at a time, plan is to start from top to bottom. Yea believe me we seen some shit hole places, the stuff people do when there losing there home. But hey cant blame them. knocked out windows, holes in every wall. One place seen couple weeks ago they took the furnance,water heater and central air with them. lol... This place doesnt need alot of work but it does need some. Its livable. Drywall anywhere that needs it, paint, carpet/floors. Plus baby is on the way, so that should be even more fun. Only thing about this house is, its 6 bedroom two floors probably knock one the rooms down and join together to make master bedroom. Iv never been use to having more space than I needed living on my own or growing up. I hate being in a place by myself, I get freaked out easily. lol Guess thats what anxiety does to you. But hopefully a german shepard/husky help out. Our first apartment together when we first started dated back 05 looked like the amity ville house with the windows on top lol ... That was freaky staying there alone when she was working.

Author:  king_of_the_street [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First home, Excited!!

Ok so after 3 fails in the house search. It looks like this will be the house we get. So excited!! I grabbed a few pics, ill put some more up later. maybe a house renovation thread lol... So today we went to wells fargo & did all finally paper work, just waiting on the closing date nov 14 or sooner. So after looking, about 5k for repairs mostly all new flooring, drywalls all good just need get a couple guys in to do the walls. Will be doing all the work thanks to my dad and friends and well be able to live here. While living there can work on down stairs which is not bad just flooring and some drywall. Electrical,plumbling and leaks was a main concern but that seems to be good. O and the ex home owner was a mechanic and bought it because of the detach garage size. Will have to sort threw his left behind parts.. maybe use that front bumper i found lol Outside work; siding,windows,roof and fence for summer work. Back yard has chain fence, but Id love a private fence. Plus seeing the back neighbors have a dog and little kids, i dont feel like having our 3 dogs going crazy lol


Heres one the bathrooms, He starting making a 2nd bathroom downstairs but never finished about 95% done.

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