
Big Brother Is Watching
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Author:  Doomsbright [ Tue Nov 09, 2004 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Big Brother Is Watching



Author:  socrateez [ Tue Nov 09, 2004 11:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

"socrateez wraps his head in aluminum foil"
Heres something i found also about the little box. Its the same box that controls the air bags. I watched a show on accident recreation and they had one plugged into a computer. I was like, crap thats a air bag controller! Newer cars may have separate systems. I also found while working in salvage yards, that when the air bag deploys, the fuel pump and starter circuit are disabled. Hmmm.....could they possibly shut down your car remotely? :-?

Author:  netninja2001 [ Tue Nov 09, 2004 11:49 pm ]
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yeah, i read that in my autoweek, makes me kinda glad i still have a car from 1990...

Author:  CaptHowdy [ Wed Nov 10, 2004 12:15 am ]
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I don't see what the problem is, I mean. you shouldn't be doing anything illegal in the first place.. should you? ;)

Author:  netninja2001 [ Wed Nov 10, 2004 12:23 am ]
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the problem is that (at least right now) all authorities have to go on is the last few seconds of you driving. well what if a semi truck is barreling at you from behind with no sign of stopping, you slam on the gas and try to get out of the way and hit a phone pole and the truck keeps on going. well to them it looks like you were speeding through some neighborhood, lost control and hit a phone pole. the circumstantial evidence alone would be enough to get you and before you know it your sitting in a driver improvement class or without a license... either that or you could be doing what i would be doing... doughnuts in a completely empty parking lot :D and before you know it there's an ambulance on the way for an accident that hasn't happened

Author:  kjmerkel69 [ Wed Nov 10, 2004 1:26 am ]
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Big Brother can suck my nuts. Just leave me the F alone and let me live my life! :x

Author:  monsterbishi [ Wed Nov 10, 2004 1:27 am ]
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Even if things got too 'Big Brother' for our liking, it's not hard to disable things like force meters, a steady hand and basic soldering tools would see to that :-)

Or if you were really mean, you just keep tricking the sensors until the monitoring services gives up on you :-)

Author:  akdriverjd [ Wed Nov 10, 2004 2:34 am ]
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[quote]“It all seems to be going toward the idea of tracking people as much as possible so companies can wring as much money as possible out of people,â€

Author:  socrateez [ Wed Nov 10, 2004 9:49 am ]
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History has proven time and time again that if a technology or improvement can benefit mankind, government will twist it to control the populace or empower themselves.
If it CAN be used for ill purposes, it WILL be used for ill purposes!!!!!!!
Believe that!!

Author:  CaptHowdy [ Wed Nov 10, 2004 10:31 am ]
Post subject: 

what ill purpose? finding out what you like to buy and where you go? you think the government cares enough to go through every single individual person in the US and go "yo look guys! netninja2001 was doing doughnuts in an empty parking lot today! lets go and revote his license and kill his family while we're at it!"

unless you're doing something illegal, then I really don't see the problem with the government having a "record" of your driving activities, which they currently don't, and won't in the near future.

something like that doesn't go unnoticed. People would find out and car companies giving out info would lose business.

it's much like the colleges/ISPs/univeristies that refused to give out the customer/student information of people sharing music, it's bad PR and people will find out.

and as far as disabling the device.. yeah, I'm sure it's not hard, but if you get into an accident and that junk is modified I'm sure they'll burn you some how.

ths big brother bs it out of control. I'm glad there's a big brother that's what makes our countries (US/Canada) the great places they are.

if you don't like it then move out to a country where big brother really is watching and will have no problem shooting you in the face and killing your children for cheating on your taxes.

and as for your comment about the truck/pole thing netninja. yeah, you raise a good point, but computer or no computer, when you hit a pole they'll be able to tell how fast you were going and what trajectory and all that physical jazz. the computer will just support what they already knew.

Author:  billnutz [ Wed Nov 10, 2004 10:40 am ]
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think the government cares enough to go through every single individual person in the US and go "yo look guys! netninja2001 was doing doughnuts in an empty parking lot today! lets go and revote his license"
Yes, they do. If you would read the whole article closely, you would notice that they have (in the great country of Canada, I might add) already convicted a man of vehicular manslaughter based on evidence in the box, AND aquitted another, EVEN THOUGH WITNESSES SAID HE WAS DRIVING RECKLESSLY AND CAUSED THE ACCIDENT.

Furthermore, a law eforcement officer swears he was doing 55mph when the box concluded he was doing 70+mph. So which is it? Is it accurate or not? The point is, they are already doing that which the people above have noted.

Author:  socrateez [ Wed Nov 10, 2004 10:42 am ]
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What purpose does the Carnivore program serve other than mass privacy invasion and spying on a mass scale?
Nuclea energy....what possible ill purpose could someone find for a energy source that can benefit millions with cheap power?
Gunpowder....what ill purpose could one find for such an amusing light and noise display?
These are obvious examples for sure, but how much control, how much privacy do you want to give up for security? All of it? How much is too much?
Any Orwellian reader would and probally SHOULD be a little paranoid of government.

Author:  socrateez [ Wed Nov 10, 2004 10:47 am ]
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The more controls and restraints a power has in its grasp, the more it will exert.....
Simple human nature here, why do we drive fast? We can thats why!
Why does a person twist a novel technological feature for purposes other than its design? They CAN! And WILL!

Author:  billnutz [ Wed Nov 10, 2004 11:16 am ]
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what ill purpose?

Uhhh... how about dropping you from your insurance policy because you exceeded the speed limit 5 times by more than 10mph in a month (all they'd have to know is your position and velocity), or accelerated at twice the acceleration due to gravity in a Dodge Colt :wink:, or took your car to the track and hit 118mph in the quarter.

As far as they know, you did it on a public street. Either way, tell you're insurance company that you drag race your car, private track or otherwise, and see how long you have a policy. Furthermore, what if I bought a brand new Z06, took it to the track on Vette day and went to the dealer for a failure and they said, ooops sorry, we see you were accelerating rather quickly and we can't cover the cost of these repairs. Don't for one minute think they won't do it -- Mitsu is already doing it with the EVOs.

I'm pretty certain there's no one here that would want that kind of scrutiny. The fact is, I can handle my Spyder with $1800 JIC Magic Coilovers and Wilwood 6-pot 12.5" brakes better at 80mph than some 80 year old fart that can't see and can't hear worth a $hit at 50mph. These little boxes take all the subjectivity out of evaluating a situation. Not a good thing, as the Canadian examples above illustrate.

Author:  coltturbouk [ Wed Nov 10, 2004 12:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

I always wanted to put it the other way round.

I wanted to fit a remote control relay to the local traffic cop's fuel pumps, then when they decided to pull me over I could press the button, kill their car and drive off :P

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